About Us
Since 1986 we have been involved in hospital sanitation projects both in Italy and abroad promoted by the Cooperazione Italiana, the European Union and the Vatican Foreign Mission.
Our teamwork attitude has gained us loyal customers in the construction industry, oil industry (Agip Recherches) and ONG, the Italian Red Cross, in the construction of hospital and medical centers.
C.P.M. Diagnostic Research SAS
Since 1986 we have been involved in hospital sanitation projects both in Italy and abroad promoted by the Cooperazione Italiana, the European Union and the Vatican Foreign Mission.
Moreover, since 7 years, C.P.M. SAS have a branch office in the Rupublic of Cuba recognized by the local government and where we are one of the most important supplier in Chemical Chemisty and Microbiology sector with a wide range of products registred near the local Health Authority.
We produce and supply a wide range of products for clinical chemistry as Cystatin C, Homocysteine, Creatinine PAP and for Microbiology as Hemocultures, Transport media, system for microbial identification and susceptibility test.
You can find a complete list of our products and instrument in this website.
C.P.M. SAS thanks to its efficiency in quality and manufacturing process have obtained the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2004 certifications.
Since 2012 C.P.M. SAS is a corporative member of IFCC.
Our values
Our teamwork attitude has gained us loyal customers in the construction industry, oil industry (Agip Recherches) and ONG, the Italian Red Cross, in the construction of hospital and medical centers, like the hospital in Quelimane in Mozambique, the hospital in Sidone Lebanon, the hospital in Thaoua and Zinder in Niger, the San Juan de Dios hospital in Colombia and pharmaceutical products, diagnostic material, medical supplies and hospital facilities to Bosnia, Sierra Leone, New Guinea, Haiti, the Ukraine, Angola, Guatemala, Tanzania and other countries as part of programs operated by the E.C.H.O and EU program.
On behalf of the United Nations and in collaboration with LIFE Rome, we built a totally solar powered mobile health-care unit wich was been to Salvador.
To K.P.O - Karachaganak Petroleum Operating - B.V. have been supplied emergency and intensive care ambulances where these vehicles were able to offer their service above where the climatic conditions and temperature are exesperated (+50°C / -38°C).