About Us
With 40 years research experience on voice instruments and 15 years endoscopy equipments developing history, Cymo B.V., a spin-off company of University of Groningen, the Netherlands, is officially registered on June 8, 2007. The company is supported by Technology Foundation STW, a branch of NWO, the Dutch research council, and Groningen Voice Research Lab (HKS).
The featured product of Cymo B.V. is the new generation videokymograph (VKG), which is initially invested by a STW project, named “Voice diagnostics in a new perspective” (project number: GKG.5973). The aims of the project are development of a new diagnostic tool for the analysis of pathological fast vocal fold movements and establishment of new parameters to study specifically irregular vibrations of vocal folds. The outcome of the project is the new VKG system which is based on an on-line scanning procedure perpendicular to the vibrating vocal folds during phonation. This equipment is of great importance to medical specialists working in the field of voice disorders. It can also be used in the diagnostics of early cancer of the larynx. It gives an excellent approach to a better understanding of voice problems where a traditional approach of laryngoscopy with stroboscopy does not give information on the cause and extent of an existing voice problem.
Our values
With the expansion of the application, Cymo B.V. uses her high-sensitivity technology in the endoscopy imaging system, for instance, medical or industrial endoscopy cameras. With her technology on voice instruments, Cymo B.V. is developing modern voice instruments for voice clinic and research.
Our products with the CE Mark have been tested by TÜV Rheinland