About Us

Diagram stands out for a 3 years full guarantee, valid both in Italy and in several other countries.

The production includes equipment for dental practices and laboratories, dental materials, and products for hygiene and sterilisation.

This means devices such as Needle Burners, Carpoule Warmer/Needle Burner, hydraulic presses, flasks, clamps, micromotors, steam jet cleaners, UV curing-light ovens, accessories and materials for composites new techniques methods such as transparent Silicon-rubber, Waxes, (moulding & dipping light-curing hardening).

Diagram activity also focuses on the implementation of new techniques permitting the optimisation of both equipment and working methods, not only for the dental laboratory but also for the dental practice.

For these reasons the company produces and offers layouts and know-how for many working methods: * RESIN INJECTION SYSTEM for the fabrication of prostheses with any kind of resin; * ULTRAKERAMIC method that permits to reproduce the wax model directly in ceramics and avails the advantages in terms of colour and shaping of this material, improving its adhesion to Metal or Zirconia.

* DIRECT COMPOSITE RESIN RESTORATIONS, Giotto 101 Composite Painting Palette, is the first device able to aid in controlling the fluidity of various portions of composite materials simultaneously and in minimum portions, as required for correct stratifications and/or for finishing and aesthetic characterizations.

The material acquires excellent adaptation to the cavity under treatment.

Our values

Since its beginning, in 1981, this strategy has become Diagram’s strong point, enabling the company to obtain successful results both in Italy and in international markets.

This constant growth has been paralleled by a gradual expansion of the company’s scopes, whereby production and commercial philosophy aim at "moving on toward the patient comfort" and are integrated and completed by qualified service.

Diagram manufactures with Your private label too.