About Us
DIAN is a leading company in the manufacturing sector of work footwear.
After 30 years of experience, research and progress, Dian has achieved excellent product quality, making a worker’s life much easier. Dian’s main goal is to offer convenience and comfort in the workplace and also safety in risk jobs and adaptability to different anatomies. One of the great advantages of our shoes is the possibility to incorporate orthopaedic foot supports designed to correct or calm different pathologies that some workers suffer in their feet. DIAN offers solutions for everyone. Dian’s products have been adapted to the standards EN-ISO-20347: 2012 and ENISO-20345: 2012 that determines that the products of Dian have a quality design, and an excellent production and marketing process within the footwear sector. It should be noted that Dian has obtained the certification obtained from Spanish origin, known as OCE stamp.
This title, called as the stamp of origin Spanish Certificate guaranteed, in an audit process carried out by independent professionals, the Spanish origin of the products that belong to the Dian brand. Ultimately remarkable is the Spanish origin certificate achieved after undergoing a comprehensive audit for the design of it’s shoe models, the source of all its production centres, its Spanish shareholding structure, purchasing department, sales department, the origin of raw materials and components, logistics, the certificate of quality and VAT payments in Spain. All this to guarantee the maximum quality, transparency and confidence to the consumer that uses Dian footwear.
Our values
At DIAN, we have been working for more than 30 years to obtain a work shoe of excellent quality that offers a feeling of comfort to the user. Made exclusively in Spain, DIAN's professional shoe types are designed with innovative processes and technologies. The resulting aspects of the shoe are design (the shape of the shoe provides comfort), safety (the models are designed taking into account the basic rules for the protection of the worker's foot) and the cushioning of the foot, among others.All DIAN brand shoes labelled CE, indicate that they are in compliance with the EPI 2016/425 directive, on personal protective equipment. P.P.E
Category I: Due to the simple design of P.P.E’s, the user can judge for themselves its effectiveness against minimal risks whose effects, when they are gradual, can be detected on time and without danger to the user. They have to have an EC declaration of conformity from the manufacturer, WITHOUT THE INTERVENTION OF A NOTIFIED BODY. The light footwear in this category only protects you from minor impacts and vibrations, which do not affect the vital parts of the body and cannot cause irreversible damages.
– Category II: Footwear certified as category II must have EC-DESIGN EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE, issued by a notified body such as INESCOP. In reference to the corresponding standards, EN-ISO-2034, for work footwear or EN-ISO-20345 for safety shoes
Standard for work footwear: EN-ISO-20347
Class I (leather shoes and other materials, excluding all rubber footwear and all polymer).
Designation: there are different levels of symbols based on the protection provided.
In our different product ranges (Health / Catering, Uniform and Safety), we have a type of footwear where comfort, protection and design are key factors. All this in order to avoid possible accidents and discomforts caused by inadequate footwear.
We use innovation and technology, following biomechanical principles and standards. This is how we succeed in manufacturing a shoe that guarantees complete foot care and a proper fit. And not only that: our footwear offers the possibility of incorporating custom made orthotics for each user.
Finishes, textures, colour combinations and the shape of the footwear are only some aspects that make DIAN footwear a unique and quality product.
Our quality and health Certificates
We have various certificates that guarantee that work footwear by DIAN is a symbol of quality and we comply with the current standards.
NESCOP MYREACH : Several of our products are certified as free of substances restricted for health and environment reasons.
OEC (Spanish Origen Certificate) certifies that this product is manufactured in Spain by a Spanish company
INESCOP Assessed by the Assessment Service INESCOP...
Comfortable and dry feet
The insoles are made of quilted materials, with the ability to adapt to the morphology of each foot, breathable and able to absorb a lot of moisture and keep the sole of the foot dry. With antibacterial treatments to prevent the proliferation of the microorganisms and bad odors.