Duan Internacional do Brasil
About Us
Focused on health field by option and vocation, Duan International of Brazil is specialized in manufacturing and commercializing laboratory and hospital products since 1990.
Founded in 1986, in São Paulo city, at the beginning the enterprise exported products from several areas.
In 1990, it started to be conducted by a medical doctor staff, focusing in commercializing products aiming the health field.
After researching more than a dozen enterprises, in several North American states, Duan centered its work in three products: portable oxygen generator, artificial skin and cutaneous transiluminator, this last one commercialized in Brazil under the name of Venoscópio.
In 2000, Duan started the industrial activity with the manufacturing of the first Venoscópio, named Venoscópio IV.
Nowadays, Duan has clients distributed around several regions into the country: North and Northeast (30%), South and Southeast (50%) and Center-West (20%).
Continuously committed to technological and scientific development, and totally attuned to the new global pre analytic exigencies, Duan has frequently taken part of congresses and fairs in the health field, in Brazil and abroad.
Its two scientific works presented and awarded in the USA, in 2007, are a clear statement of the positive effects of this directing.
Besides the proper qualities of offered products and the exclusive care in client attending, Duan work consistence can be also proved by the several prizes the enterprise achieved and by the specialized articles published by its managers.
Detach Case in Creativity in SEBRAE through distance in 2010. Watch the video.
São Paulo State SEBRAE Prize, 99 innovative solutions in 2009. Read the full article. In PDF.
Jornal Gestão Estratégica em medicina laboratorial, fev 2009. Artigo: Fase pré-analítica apresenta maior frequência de erros.
Revista do Farmacêutico, jan/fev 2008. Artigo: Luz para os exames laboratoriais.
XX International Symposium on Technological Innovations in Laboratory Hematology (ISLH), mai 2007. Primeiro prêmio como jovem pesquisador.
Annual Meeting of American Association for Clinical Chemistry (2007). 6th young researches agrees.
Recommended by European Pre-analytical Scientific Committees (www.specimencare.com)
Our values
In performing its work, Duan:
values ethics,
prioritizes quality,
cultivates seriousness and maintains in time accomplishment of its compromises, with a posture of high professionalism that is the essence of its mission and vision.
Promoting the usage of technology in favoring the client.
Always seeking technological excellence, with its collaborators and clients participation, and scientific researches.