Dulas Limited
Who we are
Dulas Limited is one of the leading UK suppliers of high quality solar power solutions to some of the world's most remote locations; we are proud to have been manufacturing solar powered vaccine refrigerators for four decades.
Our products are helping to fuel essential services such as healthcare, water supply and education for developing communities living in off-grid or remote areas. We are the pioneers of the world's first cutting edge solar powered refrigeration system, pairing highly efficient cooling technology with solar power.
We are proud to have WHO PQS approval for all our solar vaccine fridge systems including our ground-breaking solar direct drive vaccine refrigerators.
Part of our service includes on-location training which helps cold chain technicians make the most of our solar vaccine refrigerator systems. We supply equipment and follow up training for remote power solutions across a wide range of sectors, including laboratories, hospitals and primary healthcare clinics in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands and Latin America.