About Us
We innovate in the rehabilitation sector with our two digital solutions that help rehabilitation professionals to improve the quality of diagnosis, monitor the recovery process, and personalize patient follow-up.
ReHub is a B2B telerehabilitation platform for hospitals, health insurance companies, or physiotherapy centers. More than 32,000 home-rehabilitation sessions have been done and more than 4,000 patients with musculoskeletal problems accelerated their recovery thanks to ReHub. Health insurance such as DKV and hospitals such as Vall d'Hebron, Hospital Clínic, Consorci Sanitari Integral, and prestigious physiotherapy centers such as Vital & Clinic, Rusconi Benessere, Top Physio, among others, already trusted on ReHub.
For more information about ReHub visit our website https://www.telerehub.com/
Lynx, provides an end-to-end solution for a quick functional assessment. In less than 3 minutes Lynx evaluates the functional capacity of the patient. From functional assessment of movement to monitoring, Lynx has everything you need to quickly and objectively compare and analyze patient progress.
For more information about Lynx visit our website https://www.dycare.com/lynx
Our values
We improve the diagnosis, control and monitoring phases, providing objective and quantifiable data.
We provide portable solutions for the field of medical rehabilitation
We innovate in rehabilitation with medical devices so that physiotherapists, rehabilitation physician and orthopedic surgeons improve the diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation of the mobility disorders of their patients
We collaborate with hospitals, clinics and universities
We develop highly competitive products thanks to the work of different medical centers that bring us advances in technology and new knowledge
We research in science and technology to apply it to the health sector
We believe in R&D in the medical and health fields in order to improve the quality of life of patients