EBM Technologies

About Us

EBM Technologies is a leading total solution provider of medical imaging systems, specializing in picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and systems for Personal Health Record (PHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR).

Founded in 1988 in Taiwan, EBM Technologies has 150 employees and more than 3,500 hospitals being installed with our PACS across regions of Asia, North America, and Middle East soon. We are currently operating in Taiwan, Japan, China, the United States, the European Union (EU), as well as Southeast and Central Asia.

Headquartered at Neihu Science Park in Taipei City, Taiwan, EBM has evolved into an international company, has underpinned a large-scale loyal customer base, and has consolidated the brand awareness and recognition.

To satisfy the ever-evolving market demand, EBM has shifted our focus to mobile medical applications and AI integration solutions. We offer state-of-the-art software and integrated solutions to the medical healthcare industry. All products and solutions are customizable and upgradable for meeting targeted clients' needs effectively.

At EBM Technologies, we strive to improve our products and services above and beyond industry standards for a better future in the healthcare sector.

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/ebmtech

Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/EBM_Tech

LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/company/14425711/admin/

YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrhZaXjjMSM

Our values

Capitalizing on our corporate identity, history and philosophy, EBM Technologies has always focused on bringing healthcare providers the best technologies, ideas, processes, and practices for optimizing data management and for reinforcing patient treatment.

- Customized products and solutions: We can meet specific client needs through providing them with the state-of-the-art/innovative products/solutions and tangible economic influence on the future prospects to boost sales opportunities.

- High flexibility: Our cutting-edge products/solutions are integrated with the clients' existing structures.

- Full scalability of all products: The setup prcedures for our products require minimal infrastructural adjustment costs/operating costs when encountering the circumstance of hospital expansion.

- Personalized customer support based on long-term client relationships: We offer the effective solutions to systematic weaknesses within the clients’budget.

- Long-standing history: Our products/services conform to different industry standards and proven track record of software systems: 99.9% uptime.

- Publicly-owned company: We have consolidated our financial stability for long-term partnership with healthcare providers in the long run.

Our International Locations