Who we are
About Ergomoving, innovative solution for ergonomic seating
Before becoming Ergomoving the new brand of anatomic and dynamic seats, a significant amount of work has been required to provide you with the first flexible saddle seat which keeps you from back rotation.
Here is how the story started thanks to the designer's skills :
On the one hand , as a physiotherapist, he is specialised in global posture treament ; so he is used to treating back pain , and on the other hand he has studied ergonomics and used to work in companies in order to prevent MSD, as an observer of humans at work, and as a consultor in industry to design suitable workstations(car and truck equipment, medical prostheses)
From that point was born the desire to create a really ergonomic seat support able to guide the posture without deleterious effect,a flexible seat under the thigh that
releases the movement of the hips and pelvis whatever the working heights, in order to be sitting with the feeling that you are both supported and free.
Convinced by the benefits that such an innovation could bring he started the first prototype in his garage.Then step by step through tenacity , he files patents in as varied universes as gardening constructions public work or nurseries.
The INSUFLE Company signed in 2013 a licence agreement with a big french company specialised in early childhood.
The patented seat received in 2014 the innovation award in the preventon and security category. The biggest french cities equip their nurseries to keep early childhood professionals free from back pain.
Since then the designs continue to evolve getting better in medical and office fields with ever more intuitive and comfortable in duration.
The feedback of many physiothérapists helped to develop the Perfect design guaranteeing an optimal use of flexibility for a postural well being without common measure.
Today the goal is to spread this "new seating expérience " to health professionnals who want to avoid low back pain due to working postures as dentists for example.
Our values
The real need is beyond that we think !
This heuristic guides all the design processes of INSUFLE Company : go further to be the best.
From this requirement without any concession, lots of designs have been conceived, always more refined, always more efficient, always more beautiful.
Partner companies in charge of manufacturing the products know about it. Tthe need goes further, but it is also a shared pride, a satisfaction to produce high quality seats with efficiency for health and incomparable bàck comfort .
Slowly, without going in all directions, while the patented solution can be applicable in a large number of domains, the method of real and efficient ergonomics requires to take in to account all the determinants of worksituation.
We don't launch a seat in to a univers without having this essential approach, it every day guarantees the satisfaction and the hudge enthusiasm feeling in our customers.