About Us
Esaote is one of the world's leading manufacturers of medical diagnostic systems. It is a leader in the field of Dedicated Magnetic Resonance Imaging and one of the main players in Information Technology in healthcare. Ultrasound is its core business, and since 2002 it has also entered the interventional sector.
Since it was founded in the early 1980s, Esaote has oriented its Research & Development policy towards the creation of highly innovative products, based on careful analysis of clinical needs and market trends.
Today, it is a truly global company, the epitome of Made in Italy around the world. Its headquarters is located in Genoa (Italy), and it maintains a presence in around 100 countries. It has research centers and production plants in Italy and in the Netherlands, along with subsidiaries and offices in France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Russia, the United States, China, Argentina, India, Brazil, and Mexico.
The Esaote Group has over 1,250 employees, 20% of whom are engaged in Research & Development, a sector in which it has always invested 10-12% of its revenues.
The company, which boasts collaborations with clinical and scientific research centers and universities around the world, has received numerous awards for its performance in terms of innovation, for investments in research, human capital and technology, and also for the extraordinary design of its products.
Esaote has joined the United Nations Global Compact, launching an internal path to promote a culture of sustainability, enhance human capital, ensure health and safety in the workplace, increase people's well-being, reduce environmental impact, and invest in Research & Development for a sustainable, resilient and durable ecosystem.
A group of engineers, a clear vision, and 40 years of innovation.
Esaote's experience has spanned 40 years of Italian history and has become part of a path of growth in which the world has recognized the importance of Made in Italy thinking, including in the medical sector.
Founded in 1982, when creating a company dedicated to non-invasive diagnostic imaging in Italy appeared to be mission impossible, Esaote now plays an active role in transformation taking place worldwide, which is witnessing the transition from the concept of healthcare to the broader concept of well-being.
As a result of its perennial style of innovation, this company has been the subject of interest from various players in the healthcare market, in a succession of changes implemented over time to grow and evolve that have never distracted the company from its values.
Esaote now forms part of the borderless revolution that is seeing the strongest players in high-tech enter the world of healthcare, but at the same time it guarantees the preservation of the human aspect, demonstrated in the attention to relationships (including between machine and user) that characterizes the Italian Way. A journey that is now valued more than ever, precisely because it is made up of history.
In over 40 years, a great deal has changed, but not the spirit that animates us: the same attention to exploring new frontiers between science and technology.
Why the name “Esaote”?
Our name is an acronym: ESA stands for Elsag-Selenia-Ansaldo and represents the Genoese soul of the group. Conversely, OTE means Officine Toscane Elettromeccaniche (Tuscany Electromechanical Workshops), the Florence-based company that was merged soon after with the biomedical division of Esacontrol, giving rise to Esaote Biomedica.
Today, while maintaining its name and values, Esaote is a global multinational company.
A recent history, an international presence.
Since it was founded in 1982, Esaote has maintained its headquarters in Genoa. Over the last 40 years, the people who have become part of the Group's history have succeeded in realizing its strong vocation for internationalization.
Through a widespread presence that now involves 14 branches and distribution channels reaching about 100 countries around the world, Esaote achieves roughly 70% of its turnover in international markets. A global presence built by keeping faith with some of the pillars of the Made in Italy philosophy, a development model appreciated and sought after all over the world.
Esaote headquarters are currently located at Great Campus, the Genoa Science and Technology Park on the Erzelli hill, alongside the Ultrasound Research & Development and Medical IT laboratories. The recent Genoa Multedo plant is the focus of R&D and production of Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems, the repair center for all the devices – US and MRI – produced by the Group and the worldwide logistics center for spare parts.
Florence is home to the Center of Excellence for the production of ultrasound probes and the international logistics hub for the shipment of ultrasound systems all over the world. We also have production sites in Sittard, the Netherlands, and in Danyang in China's Jiangsu province, dedicated exclusively to production for the Chinese market, with the desire to cover more regions and increase proximity to end clients in terms of logistics.
While gradually developing a global presence, we maintain an Italian imprint, expressed in the decision to nurture increasingly interdisciplinary relationships, and to encourage collaborations and partnerships capable of enriching our perspective. Our products are the epitome of Italian design, which combines aesthetics and ergonomics in an original way. Within an organization with extensive expertise in technology, the corporate culture leverages humanistic thinking as a necessary ingredient for increasingly creative problem solving.
Production sites, laboratories, branches and distribution network: alongside constant internal growth, acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships resulted in Esaote reaching its current size, back in the 1990s.
Through subsidiaries, the Group now maintains a presence in the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, and has offices in the United Kingdom and Moscow. Its international distribution network means it now operates in 100 countries around the world.
Information about the ESAOTE GROUP and its clinical solutions, products and technologies is available at: www.esaote.com
All information about Esaote's products, technologies and activities here contained are intended for healthcare professionals only.
Technology and features are device/configuration-dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice.
Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.
Our values
Our Mission. Complexity is simple
We want to bring our unique vision and values to the whole world by combining cutting-edge software with ultrasound and MRI systems in order to maximize image quality and equip healthcare professionals with the best tools, so that they can choose the best possible treatment options.
Our vision. More in less
We envision a future in which extremely precise diagnosis and treatments will be made possible by using our small yet powerful devices, which are the first choice for assisting patients with care.
Our values
When it comes to our mission and vision, we have set ourselves goals by merging five values, namely, five tried and tested pillars that make it easier for anyone dealing with Esaote to establish a transparent relationship with the company, giving shared results new impetus and a solid foundation.
A constant focus on others and a disciplined approach to training and learning is what enables us to combine individual resourcefulness and respect for the group as we work towards our goals, setting up multidisciplinary and multicultural teams that incorporate several points of view.
The relationships forged between individuals and the company are key to achieving long-term goals and to developing sustainable strategies for both the company and society. The bonds formed and the sense of involvement in each project, which are driven by shared values, ensure stability and consistency in our activities, leading to positive interactions and upholding the brand’s reputation.
The ability to ensure consistency of thought and action should not stand in the way of providing flexible responses, but should enable interlocutors to be clear in their intentions. While rules and codes help us set up boundaries for coexistence, an essential element is also respecting, both individually and collectively, the environment in which we operate.
In order to develop tangible solutions for the biomedical industry, it is necessary to achieve precise and measurable results throughout the value chain.
By focusing on priorities and being consistent when it comes to achieving each goal, we are able to translate strategies into products and services that make diagnosis easier for the healthcare sector.
Customer focus
At Esaote, our eyes are always set on ensuring quality of life and work for customers. Anyone who chooses Esaote should continue to do so while seeking out cutting-edge technological innovations that allow them to improve their performance. It is by supporting our customers and listening to their needs that we are able to continuously explore new directions in the field of diagnostics.
Technological innovation: its role in society
We design devices that can translate the complex, intimate language of the body into clear and precise information. We are part of what has become known as the social economy, and each of our innovations in terms of hardware, firmware and software has a very concrete impact on the quality of individual and collective health.
In a society where life expectancy is increasingly longer, more and more attention is being paid to ensuring the quality of experience at all ages, by attaching greater importance to prevention. Every piece of technology is a social innovation, because it develops platforms that regulate communication and the resulting relationships.
Our goal: positive social innovation
Since it was founded, Esaote has focused on the development of products and solutions for non-invasive diagnostics, which reduce inconvenience for patients and costs for the healthcare system.
These days, the reshaping of health-related care and the challenges posed by artificial intelligence require even greater responsibility and care in the impetus to innovate, because every decision made in the laboratory under controlled conditions must be implemented in complex contexts, which touch on people's concrete life experience. The great commitment of our teams is oriented towards tiptoeing into people's health journey to make their experience less cumbersome and more straightforward.
Esaote Sustainability Reports