About Us
About Us
ProKeys with its brand Evo-Boards is an enterprise specialized in professional HMI solutions.
We are succesfully designing and selling input devices since 1996. With detailled knowledge in markets, input technologies and technical backgrounds are we able to offer competent and comprehensive support.
With our customers needs and satisfaction in focus are we defining solutions tailored to the specific needs of many different industries such as industrial automation, health care and food processing.
Our new Evo-Boards keyboard family launched in 2009, may be a proof of our know-how. You can expect modern and functional input devices, designed to fulfil the demanding expectations of todays applications. Innovative design, approbated electronics and a fair pricing are facts that count.
Beside that are we proud to have the company Ikey, one of the most known companies in the HMI-business, at our side.
The Ikey products, keyboards and pointing devices, are designed to withstand even in the harshest and most demanding environments.
With our knowledge and experience are we even for your individual projects the right partner.
We are looking forward to hear your specifications and discuss our solutions with you.
Yours sincerely
Tom Facius
Our values
Typical application fields are the industrial automation, military, health care and mobile applications where ever they are.
Many product innovations have been defined over the years. Features like LED backlight or wireless keyboard interfaces have been implemented into the mass production of industrial keyboards for the first time.
The products fulfil even the most demanding requirements according sealing, ruggedness and functionality. Long year experience in design and production of such HMI systems ensure high reliability and durability.