Eyenuk, Inc.

About Us

Artificial Intelligence Eye Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy with the EyeArt AI Eye Screening System for Diabetic Retinopathy.

Imaging, grading for diabetic retinopathy, and reporting in a single office visit.

Diabetic retinopathy, or DR, is a blinding eye disease that can affect more than 415 million diabetic patients worldwide, including more than 29 million people in the US. Vision loss in these patients is preventable, if diagnosed early. But eye care professionals cannot keep pace with the demand for annual screening. EyeArt is what we believe the most advanced technology designed to quickly identify critical DR patients so they can be referred for immediate help.

EyeArt Product Highlights

• Completely Automated
Fully automated DR screening, including imaging, grading for DR in accordance with internationally recognized standards and reporting, in a single office visit.

• Extensive Clinical Validation
Tested in clinical validation studies on one of the largest data sets of patients of any available DR screening technology, in demanding, real world settings using images captured in everyday practice.

• Flexible Design
The technology is designed to work effectively with image quality commonly found in diabetes patients and with imaging protocols/cameras typically used in screening setups.

• High sensitivity and specificity
Demonstrates over 91% screening sensitivity and specificity in a retrospective study of 78,685 consecutive patient visits, with over 98.5% sensitivity in identifying patients with potentially treatable DR.

Our values

Artificial Intelligence Eye Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy with EyeArt

Eyenuk has developed EyeArt for automated DR screening.

EyeArt is a fully automated, CE marked and Health Canada approved DR screening software.

EyeArt is an Artificial Intelligence Eye Screening System featuring cutting–edge image analysis and classification technologies.

Fundus images of both eyes, which have been captured by EyeArt compatible cameras, are uploaded to the secure cloud-based platform for processing.

EyeArt automatically analyzes the images and returns the result in less than 60 sec.

EyeArt report contains positive/negative DR screening outcome, clear indication of image quality, DR severity level, and retinal images.

1) Multiple color fundus images are acquired.
2) Acquired images are uploaded to the EyeArt cloud platform for analysis.
3) Images are automatically analyzed for DR lesions.
4) Patient-level screening recommendations are generated.
5) Analysis results are reported back to user within 60 sec.

EyeArt streamlines and simplifies DR screening/grading programs while greatly increasing accuracy and consistency of clinical outcomes.

EyeArt allows ALL health-care professionals to automatically perform real-time DR screening in one visit.

High quality results are easily reported to specialists for the necessary follow-up or treatment.

EyeArt demonstrated 91% sensitivity at 91% specificity as compared to expert human graders on over 100K patient visits.

EyeArt enables imaging, grading DR as per internationally recognized standards, and reporting in a single office visit for a patient.

Active 24/7, can process exams in large batches overnight.

EyeArt is a variable-cost usage model with a rapidly reduced unit cost per grade for increasing volumes.

The EyeArt technology enables scalable, very high volume screening programs with all the inherent benefits of the most sophisticated telemedicine programs.

EyeArt makes setting-up of DR screening program easy and cost effective