
About Us

Our company stands out for its respect for tradition, together with its ongoing commitment to innovation.

We have provided an effective response to the needs of industry professionals and private individuals for more than sixty-five years, offering cutting-edge solutions and a wide range of safe and easy-to-use physiotherapy equipment able to guarantee highly professional results, in particular tecartherapy or diathermy.

None of this would have been possible without careful study of the real needs faced by our customers. In fact, we believe it is our duty to meet their requirements, which is why we like to get consumers properly involved in all our development and marketing operations.

By doing so, we are able to guarantee a supply of effective and functional products both today and in the future, as well as high standards of customer service and care.

We strive to be courteous, clear and trustworthy in all our commercial transactions, offering the chance to buy a product – for either professional or home use – that benefits from all the expertise of a company like Golden Star.


Our skilled, competent and highly professional team is our real strong point.


We strive for quality by researching and developing materials in full compliance with quality, technical and environmental standards. Our aim is to offer our customers real innovation and excellence, which is why we are constantly researching ways to improve our equipment. We also pride ourselves on the high standard of our customer service.


Not just in terms of competence, but also in terms of our willingness to help and our focus on customer requirements, ensuring that we achieve the best possible results and the highest levels of technological innovation.


We believe it is essential to remember just how important our customers are. All our solutions, designs and action plans must meet their requirements and be adaptable to different customer needs. We work continuously with doctors and physiotherapists to design physiotherapy equipment and services able to meet the specific needs of the sector.

Our values

Made in italy