About Us
Francehopital is an Italian-French company that can look back at more than 70 years of commitment and investment in research and design of healthcare trolleys and logistics solutions, combining creativity and technological innovation in developing its products.
The company is founded in 1948 by the initiative of Julius Peroni and passes from father to son until the present day. Since 2005 the president is Gunnar Peroni, grandson of the founder.
Francehopital has its headquarter in France, in Erstein (near Strasbourg).
In Italy, Lana / Bolzano, there are the Italian and export sales offices, along with the R&D and technical departments.
Francehopital’s products are entirely made in Italy. This means that all materials are made in Italy, all products are assembled in our logistics centre / warehouse in the Province of Brescia, Italy and from there shipped worldwide. And all products are imagined, designed and engineered in Italy.
Francehopital is a leading company dealing with:
- Handling and logistics inside hospital wards, including specific solutions like crash carts, patient files carts, trolleys for medication distribution and service trolleys.
- Management of the whole clean and dirty linen cycle, from the collection and sorting of the dirty linen to the distribution of the clean linen at the patient’s bed, including the transport to the laundry.
- Collection and transport management of hospital waste, both garbage and hazardous waste.
- Medication logistics from the point of origin - the stock - to the point of consumption / distribution and administration to the patient.
Products of Francehopital are of premium quality and respond to all standards of hygiene and security. At the same time they are appreciated by all operators for their originality, their design, their efficiency in daily use and not least for their ability to follow the furniture trend.
Today Francehopital is strongly present in a global reality, due to its geographical position and strong international network.
2017 saw FH products present in more than 80 countries.
These are just some hospitals in the world with our products:
Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien - VIENNA / Austria
Hospices Civils de LYON / France
Spedali Civili BRESCIA / Italy
SP Centralny Szpital Kliniczny - WARSZAWA / Poland
Baskent University Hospital / Turkey
Near East University Hospital – NORTH NICOSIA / Cyprus
CIMED centre d’imagerie médicale SA - FRIBOURG / Switzerland
National College Hospital / Sudan
Mount Carmel Hospital / Malta
Princess Alexandra Hospital – Queensland / Australia
Medicover Hospital Bucharest / Romania
Splošna bolnisnica Rakičan, Murska Sabota / Slovenia
Great Ormond Street Hospital – LONDON / United Kingdom
Lifeline Hospital Group – DUBAI / United Arab Emirates
King Edward V Hospital – CONGELLA / South Africa
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn Rochd - CASABLANCA / Morocco
Nicosia General Hospital / Cyprus
National Guard Hospital / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
… and many others!
Our values
Francehopital stands out for innovative solutions and original ideas. We hold the final user’s daily work in the highest regard: it’s easy to say! But facts prove this: our products have a host of unique features. One of these features is our REVOLUTIONARY transportable FH-Drawer. The FH-Drawer simply sits on a frame that incorporates telescopic guides. This way the drawer is easy to install and remove.
- It allows for rapid drawer exchange between trolleys (even if trolleys are not of the same family);
- it ensures perfect cleaning and sanitization;
- it ensures a load capacity of more than 40 kg;
- it opens to 110%, meaning the drawer and its contents are fully exposed.
Completely conceived and made in Italy, the selection of high-grade ABS plastics, injection moulding in a single block, a range of 3 heights (76 mm, 156 mm and 236 mm): these are just some of the details that make the daily use of our trolleys a great experience.