About Us
GEM S.r.l., Italian firm established in 1994 produces (under Glubran ® brand) and distributes all over the world synthetic glues: Glubran 2 for Surgical and Endovascular use and Glubran Tiss for skin application.
We produce and distributes application devices suitable for the use of these glues : Dispensing Tips; Catheters for Laparoscopy; Drop Control Devices; Spray Devices; 1 ml Luer lock syringes and Vascular Closure Devices specific for femoral accesses.
All Glubran products are CE marked.
Synthetic surgical glue Glubran 2 is a medical device Class III CE marked for internal and external use.
Glubran 2 is a synthetic biodegradable cyanoacrylate basis glue, modified by the addition of a monomer synthesized by GEM.
Glubran 2 is ready for use. A strong sealant, with high adhesive and haemostatic properties. Once it is polymerised, creates an efficient antiseptic barrier against the most diffused infective or pathogenic agents during surgical intervention.
Glubran 2 is also an excellent embolising agent used in interventional radiology and neuroradiology. The final solution for: AVM,Trauma, Bleedings, Tumors, Varicocele, Portal Vein, Type II endoleaks
Our values
Provide innovative and modern solution to our partners
Develop and offer high quality solutions and products which can be proven to be effective and efficient in their application
Be one of the leading companies in the “surgical glue/sealant ” market
Recognized as provider of specialty products for surgery within the medical device industry.
Offer global solutions to improve the surgical practice