Günter Bissinger Medizintechnik
About Us
Focus on better solutions
The mission statement of Günter Bissinger Medizintechnik GmbH stipulates quality as outstanding feature for long-term company success and, therefore, as the basic objective for all company divisions.
According to this mission statement we strive to provide our customers with high quality products and services which correspond to state-of-the-art science and technology. The resulting requirements, as well as technical, economic and scheduled arrangements arising from contracts, shall be met to the entire satisfaction of our customers.
With our high-quality products, as well as by providing our customers with advice and support, we intend to work for the benefit and the satisfaction of our customers and to always come up to their expectations.
Therefore, quality management is an important element of our corporate policy which is documented by the certification of our management system and makes it possible to communicate this basic orientation within and outside the organization. As early as 1995, we had been working on the basis of an ISO certified management system.At the beginning of 2005, we changed to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003.
The overall risk management philosophy determined by corporate management shall always be heeded as the supreme maxim for the development and production of our medical products. "No unjustifiable risks". New developments which, according to the risk analysis performed, could lead to unjustifiable risks, will not obtain final approval unless these risks are reduced to a justifiable level.
We ascribe great importance to environmental protection which we take into account whenever possible. Social interests laid down in laws, regulations, directives, standards and codes are observed and applied by our company.
Our values
The management considers it as one of their most important tasks to encourage a spirit of quality consciousness and sense of responsibility among their employees, to determine the competences and processes with regards to all operations and procedures and to control their effectiveness. By means of intensive training on the job, our employees are ideally prepared to meet all requirements and, due to their ideas and skills, form the basis of our long-term company success. Therefore, Bissinger has always attached great importance to the training of appropriately qualified skilled workers and provides places to train every year.
By using the optimum technological methods, material equipment and human resources at the disposal of our company, we strive to ensure long-term satisfaction of both our customers and employees, so that our company can successfully face global competition and, thus, continue its successful development.