Who we are
HAYMED is the well-recognized certified manufacturers and exporters of Laryngoscope, Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope since 1992. With years of experience and expertise ,we are proud to call us a “BRAND.
We are aiming to serve the medical field by providing ergonomic professional, quality control innovative products that ensure customer satisfactions to our clients.
Having the Vision With a strong foothold, we desire to possess a global recognition.
Our values
At HAYMED, we seek uncompromising integrity through each individual’s effort
towards quality product for our customers, maximizing returns to the shareholders
and sizable contribution to the national exchequer.
Our business success is dependent on trusting relationships. Our reputation is
founded on the integrity of the Company’s personnel and our commitment to the
principles of:
Honesty in communicating within the Company and with our business partners,
suppliers and customers, while at the same time protecting the Company’s
confidential information and trade secrets.
Excellence in high-quality products and services to our customers.
Consistency in our word and deed.
Compassion in our relationships with our employees and the communities
affected by our business.
Fairness to our fellow employees, stakeholders, business partners, customers
and suppliers through adherence to all applicable laws, regulations and policies and
a high standard of moral behavior.