Who we are
Unibell is an Healthcare Company, belonging to the group
of Unibell International, a society operating in the field of physiotherapy and aesthetic care, which professionality, scientific strictness and the guarantee of fast and stable results are well-known and renowned, worldwide.
The history of the company is the one of Mario Scerri, current CEO. Unibell International was born in 1979 as a small company in the cosmetic and aesthetic field. Since the beginning, it has been dedicated to aesthetic care and body wellness, through methods and products based on natural and aromatherapeutic principles. It was committed to the remise en forme with an approach based on scientifically-proved concepts. Then, in 1986, Unibell widened its activity in the physiotherapeutic field, in particular in sports medicine, by introducing innovative technologies onto the market.
The real turning point came in the year 1996, with our participation to the Atlanta Summer Olympics and the birth of the “Tecar” division, which then would become Humantecar®, a brand which has been appreciated since the very beginning in the world of professional, high-level international sport. Today, it is still recognised as the original tecartherapy, as a guarantee of results which not only are effective and stable over time, but are also obtained quickly, an element of paramount importance in the sports field. Therefore, Unibell has acquired a remarkable experience and credibility for the treatment of athletes, to recover muscle functionality in short times, for the prevention of injuries and the improvement of performance, an expertise which has been transferred to several medical and physiotherapy fields.
In fact, today, a number of clinics, hospitals, private centres, physiotherapy studios, care centres and rehabilitation centres use Humantecar® devices and methods in their daily routine, for the treatment of their patients, treatments which go far beyond simple orthopaedics. More recently, Unibell went back to the field of wellness and aesthetic care, by transferring all the know-how, the experience, the research and the methods developed in the physiotherapeutic field to beauty treatments and to the care of general wellness, giving birth to the brand Omeoenergetica®.
The society, currently managed by the Scerri family, keeps its eyes on the future, in an ongoing research of improvement, always based on scientific strictness. The constant commitment in demonstrating the effectiveness of methods and products, by providing several studies, materialises in the collaboration with prestigious universities and clinics.
Today, the brands Humantecar® and Omeoenergetica® benefit from all the scientific experience and the know-how which has been developed in the physiotherapeutic, medical and aesthetic areas, to guarantee the same results in both fields, and make them available for a more and more wide public.
Our values
Our mission is to dedicate ourselves to the care of the well-being of the body, in its entirety, in a strict and scientific way, as well as to become a reference point for all those professionals who work in the field of physiotherapy and aesthetic care and today, more than ever, are experiencing the growing relevance of their role, not only in the healthcare area, but more generally in the wellness one.
We want our company to be known as a synonym of cutting-edge technologies, effective methods and scientific strictness, as well as guarantee every day fast and long-lasting results and deep and customized beauty treatments.
We want to make our know-how and our techniques accessible for a wide public. Our experience begins with sports physiotherapy and medicine, to get to care aesthetics and anti-aging treatments. Our goal is to make it possible for everyone to afford a professional service, a one which is able to improve one’s condition of general wellness and to change, concretely, the quality of life.
Central to our interests is the care of the body in its entirety.
We want to create a capillary network of professional, specialised and qualified centres, able to give everyone a real possibility to maintain and protect their own condition of health, well-being and beauty.
The principle upon which we have always been founding our activity and our scientific research, is the presupposition that an organism has in itself all the potential to recover its own homeostasis, when altered by an inflammation, an injury, ad oedema, a contracture or simply by the daily stress, which, as a consequence, cause a loss of tissue’s tone and vitality.
The human organism, if correctly stimulated, has the ability to recover its own balance and functionality.
To make sure that the body gets its well-being back, in a fast and effective way, it is necessary to properly stimulate the physiological mechanisms designated for maintaining homeostasis, i.e. that condition of balance which is paramount for an optimal health condition.
Re-establishing the correct functioning and balance of the anti-inflammatory, repairing and circulatory processes hasn’t the only aim to solve an evident issue, but it also allows to intervene with a preventive purpose.
We apply the same philosophy to both areas of intervention, the medical-physiotherapeutic one and the aesthetic care one.
In the first case, this allows to be effective in treating painful syndromes and inflammation, even when situated in depth, to recover the correct functionality in a short time. A proper joint elasticity and an appropriate muscle tone, moreover, allow to prevent injuries due to strains and muscle overload and to improve the athletic performance, as well as to reduce drastically post-training recovery time.
HumanTecar® is the brand with which Unibell acquired its considerable scientific credibility at an international level, and a great notoriety through its activity in the field of high-level professional sport, which acquired its technologies and working method to support the daily activities of athletes.
The same technologies and techniques are successfully used in many clinics and hospitals in several fields of medicine, such as orthopaedics, pain medicine, phlebo-lymphology, post-surgical rehabilitation and pre-operatory treatment, also known as prehabilitation. Considerable results have also been obtained in urology, in the treatment of neurodegenerative disease and in osteoporosis.
Today, all of this is made affordable for a wide public, thanks to the availability of a method which couples the devices with manual techniques and functional products, which guarantee effective results in a short time.
Omeoenergetica® transfers all the scientific experience, the methods and the know-how acquired in the physiotherapy field, to the aesthetics, where the effectiveness and swiftness of the results led to the birth of beauty treatments which are affordable for a wide public.
Omeoenergetica® has changed the way these treatments are seen, with a completely innovative approach: it couples the stimulation of endogenous mechanisms by means of advanced technologic devices, with a well-structured range of functional cosmetic products, which incarnate a quite revolutionary idea of cosmetics.
To maintain a young and vital skin, it is necessary to protect the harmony of its metabolic pathways, a complex system of biological processes which communicate by means of countless signals.
A delicate balance, which the products help to maintain, by providing a set of functional elements, thus representing a true insurance policy against aging, as they activate the skin rejuvenating mechanisms. Hence, the new concept of “cosmetic of signals”, whose beating heart is AME, a mixture of functional principles of natural origin, which act in synergy to reactivate the energetic metabolic processes.