Hydrosun Medizintechnik
About Us
Founded in 1994, Hydrosun GmbH is a manufacturer of special light and heat treatment devices. Continual scientific and clinical research is accompanied by the development of further models and devices.
Hydrosun represents light therapy and natural heating with enhanced penetration depth and high radiation intensity.
The Hydrosun single radiator is a mobile, easily manageable medical device.
Besides direct sales in some countries, Hydrosun is present in many further countries through partner companies or sole agencies.
For more information about Hydrosun GmbH please visit www.hydrosun.eu
Our values
Healing Derived from Nature
From the very beginning, Hydrosun has based its development on findings from nature. Through the development of medical wIRA (water-filtered infrared A), this has been achieved in the best possible way.
The water in the atmosphere filters out the sun's harmful radiation enabling a diversity of growth. Where a humid atmosphere does not filter the sun's infrared radiation, extreme dehydration occurs. This is evident in the earth's desert regions with their extremely hostile conditions.
If the atmosphere would not filter the sun's radiation, the water molecules in the human skin would absorb the radiation energy resulting in stinging and burning. Intense overheating and rapid tissue dehydration would result.
The diverse hydrosun devices reproduces the combination of the sun and the humid atmosphere. The unique principle of wIRA leads to a much deeper penetration yet it is gentle to the skin. This allows for the application of wIRA at higher intensities resulting in increased efficacy.
Emerging from the heat therapy research and development initiatives of the world-renowned entrepreneur Dr. med. h.c. Erwin Braun, Hydrosun Medizintechnik GmbH was founded for the production and distribution of wIRA therapy devices.
Hydrosun Medizintechnik GmbH continuously develops devices for wIRA therapy on a solid medical and scientific basis.
Renowned medical experts from science and practice support this work and have been intensively accompanying the implementation of Dr. Erwin Braun's ideas for years.
For further information please visit: www.hydrosun.eu