I-TECH Medical Division
About Us
For 25 years we have been taking care of people, improving their quality of life by reducing pain and increasing mobility in the comfort of their home.
How we do so?
We stand alongside people throughout their therapeutic journey, providing them with safe and easy-to-use medical devices as well as direct assistance before, during, and after the purchase.
At the same time, we daily work with healthcare professionals offering trainings on our therapeutic techniques and devices, informing about the latest news of the sector, and developing clinical trials of international value.
We value our sales network too. We support our distributors and retailers not only with training events and customer service, but also with clinical trials internationally recognised, marketing activities and device registration.
Our company manufactures magnetotherapy (PEMF therapy), electrotherapy, pressotherapy and ultrasound therapy devices, all for physical treatments at home. We also provide professional solutions for the medical practices: diathermy equipment, for instance.
Our values
We care about people. This is why we are an active part of the healthcare system, both public and private.
It includes patients, doctors and specialists but also retailers, distributors. We work with all of them daily, with a precise mission: improving people’s life quality by reducing pain and increasing mobility. We make it possible in the comfort of people’s home.
Plus, cooperating with doctors enables us to help improve the therapeutic adherence of patients.
Especially because we provide them with apps which allow them to get the most out of their rehabilitation path, with the chance of sharing the data with their doctor.