IMPACT technologies

About Us

Founded in 1987, Impact Technologies was initially dedicated to the sale of network connectivity solutions (multi-directional network maps) to the French market.

In 1999, Impact Technologies , with the emergence of the first virtualization solutions (Citrix WInframe), the company launched its first line of thin clients, the Itium range.
Proud to have more than 100,000 users today, from all market segments, IMPACT TECHNOLOGIES has specialized in recent years in the medical sector by offering a set of specific devices, in line with hospitals and clinicsrequirements .
IMPACT TECHNOLOGIES is now considered one of the leading manufacturers of virtualized desktop computers in France.
IMPACT TECHNOLOGIES now offers a comprehensive portfolio of products that meet the needs of a wide range of user profiles, from traditional desktops to health care applications.
The medical world is an important market for IMPACT TECHNOLOGIES, and the current portfolio includes not only desktop devices, but also flagship products, such as the client ITIUM NOMADE, All In One 22 inches equipped with one or two removable/rechargeable batteries, making it the obvious choice for hospital staff trolleys.
Another device, our IP66 Medical screen equips the surgical rooms of several hospitals in France.

Impact Technologies solutions are fully customizable, making it easy to create specific configurations to meet all the requirements of each profiles, regardless of the size of the deployment.
Combined with a service-oriented approach (support throughout the project design, telephone support and direct manufacturer after sales, specific developments...), these solutions are designed to protect IT investments while ensuring a rich user experience.

Our values

Impact Technologies' values are primarily focused on our customers and prospects.
In a virtualized architecture, it is essential, when implementing the solution, to ensure a good listening to the needs of customers, to commit to the success of the deployment and to offer and long-term quality support to accompany our customers at all stages of the evolution of their infrastructure.

How does this translate into real life?

"All-inclusive" acquisition costs: resources, services, software, support and updates
Test products delivered in 48 hours, for easy evaluation and POC.
Access to the Impact Technologies hotline and the support team, all based in France,all French native speakers.
Unique and intuitive administrative tool
The right product for the right user profile
Deliveries in 10 days on the majority of the range