About Us
JCE BIOTECHNOLOGY, with more than 30 years’ experience in the design,manufacture and maintenance of customized isolators and personalized
solutions for isolation technology, offers a broad range of equipment and products that comply with the constantly changing regulatory requirements, the specific need of clean rooms and other controlled environments, and the protocols inherent in various activity sectors.
- Isolators
- Bio-decontamination systems
- Transfer airlocks
- Secure RTP (Rapid Transfer Port)-type transfer systems
- Range of accessories and single-use consumables
Our values
Know-how, flexibility, safety and technological innovation for more than 30 years
JCE Biotechnology has developed a range of specific isolators, designed for the reconstitution of cytotoxic agents, monoclonal antibodies and sterile
preparations for Hospitals and Clinics, Pharmacy, Research and Industry.
JCE Biotechnology’s technical offer includes:
- Study and design, manufacturing to order and the installation of the isolator and its accessories
- The air treatment system and H2O2 or PAA decontamination of the isolator
- The instrumentation required for the correct operation of the installation
- The qualification of the systems (design, installation, validation of its operation and performances)
- Training of the users following qualification.