About Us
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Kardinero Medical Systems has been founded with the aim of performing R&D and design activities for medical devices and medical software. Kardinero has taken over the product development and design activities which were conducted by Kardiosis in the past. Kardiosis Cardiologic Diagnostic Systems Ltd. was founded in 1988. Main R&D and production line is our own design PC based ECG devices and their software. We are also manufacturing treadmill for ECG stress test systems.
Kardinero is located in METU Technopolis area, and being in Technopolis zone, which brings very important advantages for academic cooperation.
In 2001, we designed full USB compatible ECG, which is completely a plug& play device, with the support of PC’s with all Windows operating systems. With this product, we were awarded with Technology Success Award by Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey in the year 2002. (http://www.teknoloji.org.tr/kongre4.html)
Our ECG concept is based on this USB-ECG module. The recent versions of the software used for this device are developed to be compatible with Microsoft actual operating systems. Kardinero is currently working on and nearly to finish its projects for new and advanced models of wireless Bluetoth ECG modules.
Our companies are accredited by the British Standard Organization (BSI) for its quality management system (ISO EN 13485:2003; ISO 9001:2000) and for its products (MDD 93/42/EEC). In addition, relevant certification and accreditation in accordance with the Turkish Regulations covering product registration, after sales service, import and warranty.
Kardinero has its main office in Ankara, METU Technopolis and we have sales and service network for Turkey. International service can be supplied via distributors.
Our values
Our Kardinero R&D Department is working on the design of our new PC- based ECG device family. This product family will consist of a much sophisticated wireless Bluetooth ECG and vital parameters measuring and monitoring device solutions and their software applications.
Treadmill and other medical exercise equipment manufacturing is another important investment and development area for us.
Our project development team is working also on a rehabilitation device for active and passive upper arm and shoulder exercise.