Kelling Inventive
About Us
Dr Roman Trubac - Inventor of the Trainer & Company Founder
Kelling Inventive, Ltd. is an inventor and producer of top quality training devices for high tech non-virtual reality laparoscopic surgery training. Our goal is to be a trusted and reliable partner to all our customers while providing the best training products and services in the category. The founder of Kelling Inventive, Dr. Roman Trubac, is the inventor and designer of all our products. Having long experience in medical research and teaching anatomy at Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Trubac understands what it takes to design and produce an innovative training tool for trainees in laparoscopic surgery.
Our values
Laparoscopic trainer Abc-lap
The laparoscopic trainer Abc-lap is a universal device for the training of skills needed in laparoscopic surgery.
The trainer is equipped with its own camera and monitor so that no additional equipment is needed for the use.
The movable camera enables changing the visual angle into the operating field during the training.
While the top of the trainer is transparent from one side, an opaque foil covers the other side. This arrangement enables training in two modes. In the basic mode, it is possible to practice the basic operating of the laparoscopic instruments under direct eye control. This provides an advantage for beginners.
In the advanced mode, the view into the operating field is only possible on the monitor display. This mode provides a perfect simulation of a real laparoscopic operating to more advanced surgeons.
Up to twenty ports on the top of the trainer enable introducing the instruments in different directions, including simulation of the single port techniques.
Using the flexible mounting system a wide range of training objects may be fixated in the operating field of the trainer from special training devices across tissue and organ models to the actual biological specimens.