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About Us

Winner of numerous awards and leader in virtual reality rehabilitation for physiotherapy, the KineQuantum® system allows you to effectively rehabilitate your patients with more than 120 different exercises in 8 fields of application:

- R.O.M assessments
- Rehabilitation of the cervical spine
- Rehabilitation of the lower back
- Rehabilitation of the upper limbs
- Rehabilitation of the lower limbs
- Neurological rehabilitation
- Work on balance
- Vestibular rehabilitation
- Relaxation exercises

With more than 400 physiotherapy practices equipped, the KineQuantum® medical device is the reference in virtual reality rehabilitation.

In physiotherapy, virtual reality combined with KineQuantum® technology stimulates your patient's brain and allows them to experience sensory-motor and cognitive activity in an artificially created world, to effectively rehabilitate them.

Thanks to the combination of scientific skills and technological know-how of our teams, we transpose classical rehabilitation exercises into playful therapeutic games.

The KineQuantum® device thus removes your patient's apprehensions: his attention is focused on the therapeutic game and no longer on his pain and movement. Motivated, he performs his movements naturally and rehabilitates himself efficiently.

The KineQuantum® system allows you to motivate your patients, to fight against kinesiophobia and to reduce pain up to 50%.

KineQuantum's engineers are based in France and KineQuantum's sales advisors are directly located in different countries and regions, close to physiotherapists and their problems.

Our values

The use of immersive virtual reality for therapeutic purposes in rehabilitation is based on the literature. The KineQuantum® system is a CE marked medical device and has a large scientific committee. We also work with many rehabilitation centres and hospitals.

Our ambition is to help rehabilitation professionals in their daily work, by engaging with patients with objective monitoring of their progress and motivating, progressive and targeted exercises.