About Us
KITZ MICRO FILTER is an innovative company in Japan to develop verious kinds of hollow fiber membrane and to provide hollow fiber membrane products.
Our items is used in the various fields, semiconductor, electronic component, the medical field and a general industrial field are for domestic use etc.
Our main item are three of the following,
1. Filtration for compressed air and gas
Pore size of hollow fiber filter for gas is 0.01um.
Our air filter is contributing to mechanical protection and high added value-ization of a product.
2. Filtration for water and liquid
In residential field, we supply water purifier.
In industrial field, we supply excellent high-performance liquid filter.
Most small ore size of hollow fiber filter is 5nm (0.005um).
Main field is Semicondactor and Medical.
3. Humidification and dehumidification using hollow fiber
Main field is for compressed air.

Our values
KITZ MICRO FILTER CORPORATION was established in April 1986 as a microfilter department of KITZ CORPORATION. Since then, we have cultivated application technologies that allow us to develop and produce hollow fiber membranes, as well as assembly, cleaning and evaluation technologies.
We will continue to pursue reliable technological capabilities, quality, and better service and respond to customer requests.
We also promise to develop products and conduct production activities that are friendly to the global environment, based on environmental conservation and compliance management.