About Us

LUMED srl is a manufacturing company that has been operating in the field of medical devices for the cardiopulmonary diagnostics since 1993. Our company started its activity in the field of thermal papers for medical and industrial applications and has constantly increased its products portfolio: from consumable and disposable accessories to equipment for basic cardiological and pulmonary diagnostics.

LUMED srl is today a company with excellent production and commercial potential thanks also to its exclusive products, covered by international patents.

The commercial organization in Italy is mainly focused on indirect distribution through hundreds of resellers present throughout the country.

Worldwide, LUMED srl is operating in more than 40 countries through specialized distributors and nowadays exports represent a 40% share of total sales, a number in constant and significant growth. The LUMED brand products are registered in Italy and Europe, as well as in several countries in East Asia, Middle East and South America.

Our strengths
LUMED srl is characterized by a particular attention in the development of safe medical devices for patients and users, respecting the environment. In our production area, activities closely related to risk prevention from the product development phase are of fundamental importance. For this reason we are committed every day to the research of the maximum safety of the devices we produce; this is confirmed by the continuous investments (more than 5% of the annual turnover) in the context of company quality management.

Our values


LUMED wants to be a company able to adapt its competitive ability and its processes over time in order to react to the changing conditions of competitiveness and the changing requirements of modern medicine.

LUMED is firmly convinced that growth, the obvious goal of any company, has to be pursued without any sacrifice and compromise as regards respecting and protecting the customer while operating in compliance with legislative provisions.

Our quality policy embraces this simple and concrete concept:

“assess each action in terms of sustainability”

The Risk/Benefit and Cost/Benefit ratios must be clear to our clientèle. Only an “aware” purchase can be defined “sustainable” by LUMED.