About Us
Medecom has been developing software solutions for radiology since 2000.
Expert in Health IT, Medecom provides secured added-value tools. The software solutions are compatible with all existing and future equipments of radiology, are constructor independent and continuously upgradable. Our solutions can either be integrated to ease the workflow or separately installed to improve one or the other needs of radiology centers.
Medecom offers a wide range of solutions such as:
- Flat panels detectors and acquisition workstation
- Multi modalities diagnostic workstation with stitching functionality
- Digital mammography workstation enhanced with tomosynthesis function
- Visualisation, printing, archiving, burning solutions
- Image sharing solutions to enable radiologists to share images amongst and between sites
Our solutions fit retrofit and mobiles applications. By reaching our customers expectations in terms of intuitive use, robustness, adaptability towards custom habits, interoperability & DICOM standards, our cost-effective solutions allow upgradability of existing equipment and an outstanding answer to Digital Radiology access.
Our values
Medecom was created in 2000 and is proud to be still privately owned.
Expert in DICOM and based on its experience, Medecom counts more than 4000 solutions installed over 30 countries, with many distributors, partners right from the start.
Medecom invests every year in Research & Development and implements regularly new features to the existing solutions. Continuous improvement is part of the Medecom’s quality commitment. Furthermore, since 2013 Medecom owns a lab with a French public institution and takes part in fundamental research to bring new assets to the radiology market.
Our quality commitment is recognized. Medecom is ISO 13485 certified and Medecom's solutions are CE marked and FDA (USA for MedMammo) approved.
Medecom assists its customers throughout the world with a valuable support customer service for installation and integration of new versions of the software.
Get in contact with us and experience our vision of Digital Radiology.