Group: Vidal
About Us
MonEcho, a Vidal Group company, have for almost 15 years assisted our clients in benefiting from our expertise and experience in the service of their activities as freelance and hospital ultrasound technicians.
This unique solution allows them to optimize their consultations by automatically generating structured and secure ultrasound reports, including images and measurements.
The evolution of MonEcho since its creation, has allowed it to become one of the main players in the edition of ultrasound software and to make iMonEcho an essential solution of the French ultrasound market used by nearly 4,000 healthcare professionals.
Thanks to the Medifile application created by MonEcho, healthcare professionals securely share reports and prescriptions with their patients using a simpleQR Code.
Our values
The company MonEcho was born as a result of a reflection between doctors and midwives sonographers. Reflection highlighting the need for a tool to facilitate the daily life of healthcare professionals sonographers while allowing them to exercise their profession as serenely as possible.
It is therefore since its creation that MonEcho wants to be at the service and listening to doctors and midwives.
The professionalism and daily responsiveness of our team allow users of our solution allows a reduction on administrative time of their practice and more devoted time to patients.