Nanion Technologies

Who we are

Successful use of innovation

'Inspired by scientists' is the definitive essence which provides the basis of all Nanion products. Scientists work together with engineers and designers for new innovations in the field of ion channel research and screening, transporter protein screening and cardio- and neurotoxicity screening.

Nanion has successfully developed and introduced four platforms for automated patch clamp research and screening, one platform for parallel bilayer recordings, and two platforms for transporter protein measurements.

Science and customer feedback have always been corner stones in Nanion's product devlopment projects, resulting in highly valued platforms in screening and academic research.

We live science and are constantly pushing the boundaries: The sky is not the limit!

For more information about Nanion's products, please visit the products page!

Our values

Building on experience – Creating a future

Nanion Technologies was founded by Niels Fertig, Robert Blick and Jan C. Behrends in an academic and creative environment as a spin-off from the Center of Nanoscience (CeNS) at the University of Munich (LMU). This naturally placed the company in a strong network of experience and knowledge giving Nanion a solid basis for the development of exceptional products.
Today we look back over a decade of successful history and forward to a future where we are committed to continued organic economic growth.

Experience Nanion in person

Nanion's service ranges from electrophysiology training to service contracts and on-site visits. Our primary goal is to make the road smooth for our customers, so that everyday routines run optimally, and the user gets the most out of our products and their time. With a worldwide network of distributors we are always in your time zone!