About Us
Optos plc has the vision to be The Retina Company and recognised as a leading provider of devices to eyecare professionals for improved patient care. Optos' core devices produce ultra-widefield (UWF™), high resolution digital images (optomap®) of approximately 82% and 200◦ of the retina, something no other device is capable of doing in any single image. An optomap image provides a bigger picture and more clinical information which facilitates the early detection, management and effective treatment of disorders and diseases evidenced in the retina such as retinal detachments and tears, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. Retinal imaging can also indicate evidence of non-eye or systemic diseases such as hypertension and certain cancers.
Optos' retinal imaging devices support different customer segments and patient needs such as wellness screening carried out by optometrists in primary care settings or more exacting imaging in secondary care practices that are clinically managing a patient base with advanced ocular disease. Our most advanced imaging devices for disease management and treatment support ophthalmologists and retinal specialists in the medical care market.
The latest products, Daytona and California represents the newest generation of Optos ultra-widefield retinal imaging technology and have been converted to desktop models while still providing high resolution images. For both devices, the ergonomic body is designed to increase patient comfort, as well as make it easier to correctly position the eye for image capture. All image modalities; colour, red-free and autofluorescence (AF) are included in both devices. California features fluorescein angiography (FA) and our newest UWF imaging modality, indocyanine green angiography. ICG is used for imaging the choroidal vasculature which is important for the diagnosis, management and treatment of certain conditions such as neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and disorders with choroidal neovascular membranes.
Our values
At Optos, we believe that our technology and preventative eye care screening leads to the diagnosis and treatment of eye and non-eye disease at an earlier stage – this can save sight and save lives. Our optomap Retinal Exam provides eye care professionals with enhanced diagnostic capabilities and our team takes pride in working closely with our customers to help them improve the lives of their patients.
We aim to operate to high standards in all our activities, employ skilled and responsible people and strive to build trusted relationships within the markets where we do business. We strive for E3 - Excellence Everyday in Everything we do.
Optos believes in the tenets of good citizenship. Across our markets, a variety of local, regional, national and international organisations work tirelessly to address community needs. Support for these worthy causes and initiatives means an investment in the future which serves to help create better communities. Learn more about where Optos is providing support.
Learning is our passion. We believe that our own success reflects our commitment to being a learning organisation. The benefits of learning are immeasurable. Learning gives us the tools and the knowledge to make new discoveries and improve everyday life. It gives us the courage to turn dreams into reality.
Providing a work place where people can achieve both their personal and professional goals makes good business sense. We believe it is important to create a work environment in which our employees can achieve the right balance between the demands of their workday and the rest of their busy lives. It means that we can attract better and more talented employees. It means our customers get better service. And, it means that we will continue to be a truly innovative, enterprising and inspired company.
Optos has a clear policy on health and safety and is committed to delivering excellent performance in these areas through measurement of our operations in safety management and protection of health both internally and externally.
We are proud of our culture in which our staff feel responsible and assume responsibility for making a difference in delivering high standards within the organisation and to our customers.
Optos does not and has not been required to test its technology or products on animals.
We often partner with our customers to offer the optomap Retinal Examination during National Diabetes Month and at selected Health Fairs. We participate in Career Days at local schools and support summer student placements.
We also work with the Special Olympics, providing the optomap Retinal Exam for the Special Olympics Opening Eyes program, which is a joint effort between the Special Olympics and Lions Club International. Many of our employees are active volunteers within their communities, giving generously of their time and energy to a number of worthwhile causes, such as Wear it Pink Day in the UK for Breast Cancer Awareness.