About Us
OXY’PHARM was established in 2003 to contribute to the fight against the nosocomial infection with an eco-friendly approach. The company manufactures and distributes biodegradable devices and products for automated surface disinfection and disinsectisation. NocoTech follows from this idea.
The company is headquartered in Champigny-sur-Marne, Paris (about 15 km from the center of Paris) and it is where the production site is held, thus being OXY’PHARM a 100% French manufacturer.
OXY’PHARM makes 80% of its export turnover in over 50 countries world-wide (Europe, Asia, Middle East, North America, Latin America,…). The company has expanded in many business sectors, and that enhanced its solid experience and expertise in several fields (medical, pharmaceutical, agro-food, …)
OXY’PHARM designed a range of disinfection and disinsectisation products, in an approach of eco-responsibility and sustainable development.
In this way, all products offered by OXY’PHARM are safe, biodegradable, and both ethically and environmentally sound.
Our values
Already present in over 50 countries, OXY’PHARM wishes to grow through further geographic expansion and by extending its offering for more fields. Our skills and range of products are continuously growing and that provides us to be present in many business sectors.
There is no need to demonstrate any further the efficiency of our products as many studies prove it, which were performed in first-class institutions by renowned professionals in the field of disinfection or by professionals in independent and Cofrac accredited laboratories.
Our concept complies with the AFNOR NF T 72 281 efficiency standard (November 2014) on disinfection processes by air spraying. It is a mandatory standard to provide the health market in France. Furthermore, our concept is registered at European level (with the ECHA– European Chemicals Agency. In addition, our concept is registered at European level (with the ECHA – European Chemicals Agency) under the Biocide Directive.
Our goals for the years to come are improving our position on the French market and developing our export market. We wish to continue developing products combining innovation and performance, in a constant eco-responsible and environment friendly approach. We also wish to diversify our fields to reach all sectors where disinfection is a major concern.