About Us
PHYSIO-TECH GmbH is a well established company specializing in manufacturing of high quality appliances for physiotherapy such as UNDERWATER TREADMILLS
An interdisciplinary team made up of engineers and technicians working with specialists in neurological medicine, orthopedy and physiotherapy.
Our appliances are made in accordance with the highest quality requirements in our factory in Kiel, Germany.
During the development of new products we pay particular attention to optimizing the features as well as improves handling and maintenance for physiotherapy. We are committed to developing new products e.g. underwater treadmills for humans, horses and provide our customers with innovative technical solutions and responsive support.

Our values
Quality speaks for itself
Since 2004 the interest for the PHYSIO-TECH Underwater Treadmill has constantly risen. In close contact to specialists of the neuro medicine, physiotherapy and orthopedics PHYSIO-TECH has continuously improved and further developed their underwater treadmill.
The PHYSIO-TECH Underwater Treadmill works already successfully in 13 European countries and some dogs also exercise on the PHYSIO-TECH Underwater Treadmill in Japan.