Pi dental Manufacturing

About Us

Company history

The ancestor of the present company was a private venture founded by Imre Pálfalvi in 1980. The venture that consisted of only one man in the first year produced simple devices for dental technician applications. As time passed by, the venture employed more and more people and produced more and more sophisticated machines. Thanks to the political-social changes in Eastern Europe, the chance opened in 1989 to establish companies allowing a higher degree of capital concentration and so, to turn the little venture into a larger volume company. This was the time when the original venture was transformed into a limited company.

This transformation brought substantial changes. In 1995 the company purchased a new production site, launched an intensive technical development activity, hired new employees, mainly highly qualified professionals and development engineers, introduced a new production technology and entered the international market.

The present

In the course of times the product range of the company has changed. The simple devices produced earlier were replaced by equipments having high added value portion and requiring large intellectual investments and knowledge. These equipments are already sold all over the world with lots of satisfied users.

We put a great emphasis on the innovation and that is why we established a permanent technical development team, which, always observing the market demands, continuously designs new machines or modifies the older equipment according to the present needs.

The technical service is an especially important question for our company. Our aim is that no user, anywhere in the world should be prevented from working due to technical failures in our machines. Our machines consist of a few main parts and any failure in the machines can be immediately repaired by just replacing the faulty part. The identification of the failure is simple and is supported by a tutorial.

Our values

The best quality for a reasonable price.