RJ-LASER - Reimers & Janssen
About Us
We - RJ-LASER Germany - are a 100% German manufacturer of medical laser systems founded in 1982 also called the pioneers in LLLT. We produce professional premium quality laser systems for acupuncture body & ear, diagnosis, local therapy and systemic treatment. Today our laser program consists of the worldwide largest variety of acupuncture laser. RJ-LASER Germany manufactures stand alone and unique modular laser sys-tems and covers both markets a) for LLLT low level laser therapy as well as b) for HLLT high level laser therapy in both the human and veteri-nary medicine markets.
Our values
RJ-Laser devices are sold worldwide almost 40 years. We offer a large range of modern compact laser systems for successful therapy. All RJ-Laser devices are made for professional use and conform to the highest technical standard. RJ-Laser products are mobile, run with rechargeable batteries and can be used in various areas of medicine. Please note that all RJ-LASER systems have 2 years warranty, 24 hours service support 7 days a week. Laser seminars are held in many countries worldwide, please refer to our seminar site on
More over you are very welcome to con-tact our worldwide references for clinical observations.