Group: NeoVitea
About Us
*** Improve Healthcare worldwide - Meet SFRI! ***
44 years in the IVD market
80 tons of reagent manufactured each month
780 hematology, biochemistry and immunology references
100+ compatible hematology reagent references
100+ countries
1 certification since 2006: ISO 13485
The SFRI - Société Française de Réactifs et d’Instruments - adventure began in 1977. Of course, our employees have changed over the years, but SFRI’s activity has stayed the same and business has grown internationally.
After more than 40 years of experience, SFRI has become a major player in the highly competitive world of In Vitro Diagnostics and is today a member of the NEOVITEA international group.
From Bordeaux, SFRI develops, manufactures, produces, distributes and exports its medical diagnostic instruments and reagents. SFRI’s range of products totals 780 hematology, biochemistry and immunology references sold in more than 100 countries!
To accompany its rapid development, SFRI’s headquarters in Bordeaux is home to an increasing number of crucial functions: R&D, sales, technical, quality, marketing and communication, training… but most importantly it houses one of the biggest biology reagent factories in France.
1977 Beginning of SFRI’s adventure, first company to manufacture compatible hematology reagents.
1988 1st ELISA immunology analyzer - 1999 1st complete chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer
2004 Took over, SFRI returns with a new dynamic and launches new instruments
2006 Launch of the 1st generation of H18 LIGHT, ISE, BSA 3000, IRE & IW 96
2012 Gilles Mougin takes over SFRI 100% and creates NEOVITEA
2014 Launch of both 5-part diff and 3-part diff analyzers: HEMIX 5-60 & HEMIX 3-30
2018 World exclusive IONIX launch, first ion analyzer 100% customizable and modular
2021 SFRI's IONIX comes with its "walk-away" autoloader !
*** Close ties with our distributors ***
SFRI’s spokespersons are more than just distributors. They are our long-term partners in the SFRI adventure. That is why we chose each and every one of our ideal partners with care after a rigorous screening process.
To sign a partnership deal with SFRI is to volunteer to be thoroughly trained, accompanied and supervised with the unique purpose of developing skills and a thriving business.
Big or small entities, specialized in In Vitro Diagnostics or established on other markets, our distributors have many faces: but if SFRI had to choose, it would be their motivational and conquering spirit before their number and size.
At SFRI, we have experts in all fields: chief hematology product engineers, biochemistry engineers from the biggest international companies, technical engineers specialized in fluidics, electronics, mechanics, computer science; experts in marketing out of Arthur Andersen and the ESSEC business school, chief quality engineers… Each SFRI collaborator brings his knowledge, experiences and know-how to make SFRI the best ally our distributors have ever had… and the laboratories too!
SFRI always ensures it has the best-performing qualitative instruments to allow doctors and laboratories that use them to conduct reliable patient diagnostics.
That is why we rely on a strong and durable relationship between our team, our distributors and the laboratories.
A competitive, reliable and progressive range of products
SFRI offers a diversified range of hematology, biochemistry and immunology instruments with associated reagents. Based on performance, quality and robustness, SFRI’s product catalog is constantly evolving.
SFRI gets systematic feedback from its partners and clients on a daily basis to continually adjust its offer and develop relevant new products.
*** SFRI, certified & ethical ***
Did you know?
Marketing In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices – like our instruments and reagents – is subject to CE certification. In Europe, the existing directive relevant to the marketing of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices is the 98/79/CE.
*** Quality system & standards ***
Of course SFRI products conform to all these specific standards and each of our reagents are registered with the ANSM, l’Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament – French FDA.
SFRI is also doubly certified with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. The ISO 13485 certification provides a standardized method for risk prevention in matters of conception, manufacturing and packaging of medical devices. That is why traceability and management of manufacturing processes are the two pillars of the ISO 13485 certification.
By the way, at SFRI, all processes have been put in place so that we can ensure identical quality service to all of our clients. Each contact, request or claim follows strict protocols for the sole purpose of improving our quality of service.
*** Product quality ***
SFRI has made quality a priority and daily concern. In the whole, the SFRI instrument-reagent system is put through rigorous quality controls all through its life cycle: from development to market.
A quality control is much more than a mere formality for us. It is a guarantee of performance, reliability and success. For example: reagents that leave our factory have to go through a minimum of 3 quality controls before being approved for sale, and 100% of our instruments are controlled before being marketed.
*** Eco-responsibility ***
SFRI is a fundamentally responsible company.
We have chosen to respect different regulations in favour of sustainable and fair development. This commitment does not come easily, but we have made the choice of building a better future for generations to come, and by signing the United Nations Global Compact Charter SFRI makes that commitment real.
As a European company, SFRI also complies with the REACH, WEEE and RoHS regulations.
REACH : Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals is a European Union regulation adopted to better protect human health and the environment against risks related to chemical substances, all the while favouring competition in the EU chemical market.
WEEE & RoHS: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive and Restriction of Hazardous Substances are directives that regulate companies selling electrical and electronic products in the European Union.
Finally, saying we are eco-responsible and ethically oriented is one thing, but our clients also needed to see our involvement practically. On a daily basis SFRI orients its preliminary studies towards eco-development and that is how, for example, SFRI came to develop reagents without cyanide.
SFRI joined both the SIDIV – Syndicat de l’industrie du Diagnostic In Vitro and the EDMA – European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association.
Our values
SFRI, committed
Did you know?
One of the crucial steps in Healthcare is the In Vitro Diagnostics industry. Nowadays, a patient’s pathology can be screened, diagnosed, studied and followed all the way, revealing for example, predispositions to a disease. A treatment’s efficiency can also be controlled. And all of this, thanks to IVD testing.
80% of diagnostics conducted in hospitals are confirmed by blood tests. These tests are not innocuous, they save lives. Unfortunately, bad instruments or reagents contribute to bad diagnostics.
“Why shouldn’t small laboratories have access to the same level of quality and precise results as big laboratories?”
Bringing technology within everyone's reach is a choice.
We could have reserved French know-how to developed countries, but we decided to make healthcare available to all; to produce quality and performant reagents and instruments, in France and in Europe, at competitive prices.
That is why we at SFRI do not sell to sell.
We have always had at heart a bigger ambition: to really improve world health. Its approach. Its access.
How to achieve this ambition?
First, we rely on the NEOVITEA group which offers all the skills SFRI needs.
Then we keep listening to our partners, their needs and theirs recommendations. They are the ones in the field. They guide us. Together we grow and work to improve healthcare worldwide.
Finally, we stay motivated and keep pioneering.
I’m proud to say that during our last annual seminar, my team associated 4 words to SFRI: “Warmth, Adventure, Diversity and Ambition”. This idea is really stimulating for the businessman that I am.
We put together our project and decided that SFRI should: “aim to make Healthcare accessible to all” and make sure that we remain “a Human Adventure for Life”.
And for that, I know I can count on my dedicated staff to meet any upcoming challenges. We will keep on sharing our know-how, developing our product range and bettering our customer care. My team is experienced, motivated but what’s more, they are confident in SFRI’s future.”
Gilles Mougin, NEOVITEA CEO (SFRI’s CEO)