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About Us

SimuVasc Group is a experienced company of hands-on vascular education and surgical skills support around all Europe.

For more than 12 years SimuVasc Group has been involved in vascular simulation training courses for the trainees in vascular surgery and young consultants, offering high-quality hands-on workshops of open vascular techniques on lifelike models and simulators. The first courses took place in Spain to them move onto the rest of Europe.

Our Group provided affordable hands-on workshops to improve open surgical skills. The practical training and the step-by-step practice of open vascular surgery procedures take top our priority. During the workshops, the SV tutors show their tips and tricks to the participants.

Our values

SimuVasc Group is dedicated to hands on surgical training development and assessment, working closely with international and national vascular surgery societies and industry.

Our models, annually are used in the most prestigious vascular surgery workshops as the anual meeting of the European Society for Vascular Surgery ( ESVS ), European Vascular Course ( EVC ), Porto Vascular Conference ( PVC ) and Advanced Vascular Surgical Skills & Simulation Assessment Program ( AVSSSAP ) . The SimuVasc models & simulators, annually, offer the chance for training to more than 500 vascular surgeons

The SimuVasc courses are divided into Basic – anastomotic techniques / vascular access and vascular trauma and Advanced courses – aortic / carotid and leg bypass.

All products- models and consumables- being designed and developed by us with the aim of fostering a “lifelike” simulation for open vascular surgery.

Alongside, the SimuVasc products have been present in Simulation Skills Centers and Vascular Surgery Departments in Europe, USA and Canada.