Socamel Technologies

About Us

Our Missions :

Facilitating the distribution of meals in communities, particularly those dedicated to health, is at the heart of SOCAMEL business.

From this vocation, SOCAMEL has set itself three main missions :

- Innovating by introducing progressive technologies

- Innovating in service

- Bringing serenity

We are the leader in our market !

For more than 70 years, SOCAMEL has been offering the best meal distribution solutions for communities in France and around the world. With products designed and manufactured in France, we are today the leader in our business.

We have a strong European presence with 3 subsidiaries in Germany, England and Spain in addition to the head office which is based in France.

Present in more than 50 countries, we deliver more than 3 million meals every day thanks to the 60,000 solutions in daily operation around the world. This presence is ensured via a network of partners trained in our solutions.

Our values

- Excellence: in our organisation, in our employees, in our customer relations and in our industrial processes.

- Respect: our business model respects people and nature in the long term. Responsible and supportive, it preserves health and natural resources and is part of the circular economy.

- Team spirit: dialogue, listening and sharing are at the heart of our commitment. Initiative, freedom of expression, commitment and adherence to the company's project feed collective performance.

- Openness to technical, scientific, human and societal progress allows us to be visionary because it is the horizon that drives us forward.

- Performance: we develop a taste for quality and a job well done, a sense of efficiency and commitment. Performance guides our actions and our behaviour.

As a family business, we place great importance on people, employees and their development. Our employees are strong, motivated and committed teams, always ready to mobilise to meet the needs of our clients.

We favour the long-term commitment of our employees and pursue a very dynamic training policy with the aim of enabling each person to progress and develop with confidence.