About Us
Sostel has been present in the italian market for over 40 years and proposes itself as an important reference in the healthcare for internal communication systems and bed head units.
Service-oriented, Sostel addresses its expertise and knowledge to its customers, to allow a better choice of:
Nurse call, Paging, intercom systems, and bed head units.
Since 2000, the Company has been selling bed head units and, in 2001 decided to directly produce these devices, while in 2005 it acquired the certification, for the entire KABEL product line, as manufacterer of electrical equipment conforming to Directive 93/42/EC - for medical devices.
Sostel boasts a commercial network that covers all of Italy and is able to assist its customers with professionalism, understanding their needs and offering advanced solutions; an expert technical department is able to ensure maximum customer assistance.
Our values
- Bed Head Units – Medical Supply Units
- Wall Lamps for hospital wards & elderly care homes
- Long-term know-how
- All products are made internally
- ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 13485:2016
- Product quality, flexibility and personalization
- A wide range of products for any different need: long-term-care, intensive care, nursing homes…
The company core values are efficiency, reliability, punctuality in the delivery and focus on the quality of the products. Our bed head units are tailored to the needs of each customer.
- Certified companies that design and manifacture medical gas or electrical systems for the healthcare and nursing market.
- Manufacturer or dealers of nurse call and communications systems who wish to complete their offer with BHUs.
- Manufacturer or dealers of Bed Head Units and ceiling pendants who want to extend their product portfolio.
Public and private health service (hospitals, clinics and nursing homes)
Over 20.000 beds in hospitals, clinics and nursing homes in Italy