About Us
Spetec is Your expert manufacturer of cleanroom technology, laboratory equipment and laser safety!
In industrial manufacturing, in science and research the need for a clean particle and germ free environment plays an ever important role .
Today Spetec GmbH delivers individual clean room solutions ranging from the mobile Laminar Flow Box to complex, turnkey clean room systems.
For laboratory equipment we offer costum-build peristaltic pumps and peristaltic pumps for an enormous range of applications.
We also manufactures the required tubing, which must be as inert as possible in contact with solvents or acids and should have a long service life.
In addition we deliver a broad rand of analytical Single and Mulit-Element Standards.
We plan, construct and produce individual laser safety systems according to customer requirements.
Spetec is your partner in areas of laser protection as well.
This can be in form of laser safety curtains or screens, laser enclosures, laser safety tents or laser safety eyeware.
Our values
A comprehensive selection of various hose types for their application is offered as well. The newly emerging laser safety business area builds on experience with clean room technology. Individual laser safety systems are offered according to customer requirements.
Innovative, application-oriented products are created through the combination of in-house development, design and fabrication centralised under one roof. Quality, performance, dedication and entrepreneurial vision set the company apart.
Today Spetec has around 55 employees and plans for further expansion.