About Us
Sumer is a leading manufacturer of autoclave, washer-disinfectors, operating table, blood refrigerator and warming cabinets with more than 39 years of experience. The production facilities are 25,000 m2 and all products are SFDA, ISO 9001, ISO 9001/14001, ISO 13485, HYGCEN(Germany/Austria) certified and all products are CE (97/23/CE,93/42/CE) and TSE EN 285 marked for laboratory applications. Our products are internationally recognized for an elegant and user-friendly design, "Sumer" reliability based upon 39 years of experience in manufacture, benchmark performance and energy-saving features.
Our Firm is successfully implementing several projects supported by Tübitak, KOSGEB, and Ankara Development Agency. SÜMER A.Ş. has been awarded with the following:
Ankara Industry Chamber Award for 2012,
2011 R&D Award,
2012 Success Award.
Our Firm possesses the following certificates;
CE Certificates under the following directives:
U.S.FDA, SFDA, CE, ISO 9001,
ISO 13485,
ISO 14001 Quality Management System,
MDD 93/42/EEC Medical Devices,
PED 2014/68/EU Pressurized Equipment
Our values
Our main task is to create designs with competition power in the global sense by taking the priorities of the sector into consideration and being respectful to the environment and people and giving the first priority to the wishes and expectations of customers, and also to produce innovative technological medical products by meeting all the national and international legal requirements.
We are bound up with the Medical Ethical Rules,
We are people-oriented,
We respect environment,
We are creative,
We are customer-oriented,
We are innovative,
We are pro-active,
We believe in the team spirit.