About Us
TACTYS is a french company which started to design and manufactured glass tactile keyboards in 2004. The first keyboards were connected with 2 PS2 cables (one for the keys, one for the touchpad). When the USB matured, the TACTYS engineers developed an specific interface to drive the 2 peripherics. Then, we continuously update our technolgy to choose the best components and pratice to increase quality.
Made in France, all our keyboards are 3 years warranty
We are not a reseller of imported keyboards but designer and manufacturer of our own keyboards in France. We exclusively produce glass keyboards because of their smooth surface which allows a perfect disinfection. We do not offer silicon keyboards with their embossed keys that prevent the mechanical action of friction, essential for the removal of germs. See in our website the results of the comparative -glass vs silicon- bacteriological research made by l'Institut Pasteur. https://www.tactys.com/en/products/glass-vs-silicon-the-competition/.
Our clients belong to the sectors that seek above all a perfect aseptie in their typing tools : hospitals, operating rooms, dental sutgery, clean rooms, labs
Based on our know-how in capacitive technology, we also develop customized glass keyboards and HMI applications for industrial and services companies (access control, machine control panel, lift control...).
Our values
TACTYS, keys values
Since 2004, when we launched the first tactile glass keyboard, we never stopped to innovate in electronic and design of our products. Our permanent technologic watch allows to select the most reliable and efficient components.
Tactys is a light and flexible company. That brings customers timeliness and competitivity. For any questions, about price offer, order acknowledgement, technical information, we respond within 48 H.
Our keyboards are built to last. Because we are the manufacturer of our keyboards, we master all the process and the quality of the finished products. We work for many years with local french companies which are our suppliers of goods and services. We have customers who still use keyboards that were manufactured over 10 years ago. All Tactys keyboard are 3 years warranty.
Our OEM clients for whom we develop customized solutions are protected with Non Disclosure Agrement.