
About Us

Tekscan's sensors and systems are used in an ever-expanding array of important applications in industry, medicine, and dentistry. Our team of highly competent mechanical designers, software engineers, and electrical engineers has a proven track record of exceptional results in very challenging environments. Our products range from simple force sensors and force sensing systems to highly complex pressure measurement systems with over 100,000 sensing points.

Tekscan has developed a broad range of unique system and sensor configurations, solving a multitude of force sensing and pressure measurement problems. Our systems are flexible and capable of being expanded, depending on the ever-changing needs of our customers. Tekscan's philosophy is to provide highly cost-effective upgrade paths to enhance and expand the utilization of our products by our customers. Tekscan has successfully integrated our technology into OEM products, and continues to develop sensors and systems that are rapidly becoming industry standards.

Our grid-based sensor technology was first developed in response to a need identified in dentistry. Dentists sought a reliable means of quantifying the forces on individual teeth generated during a patient's closure (bite). Tekscan started developing the T-Scan® Occlusal Analysis System in 1987. To meet the identified needs of the dental market, Tekscan proceeded to patent its unique solution. Since that time, Tekscan has advanced on many fronts to improve its technology and extend its application to a wide variety of industries. The more sophisticated I-Scan® system was the first in a range of industrial products Tekscan has developed.

Our values

Tekscan technology has played a key role in research and development all over the world. Our sensors and sensing systems are used everywhere from Industrial and Automotive to Medical and Dental applications. In fact, wherever companies require accurate, cost-effective force or pressure distribution measurement, Tekscan is helping save millions of dollars in design, design verification, and reengineering costs. Look at our varied list of applications and consider the possibilities!