THORASYS Thoracic Medical Systems Inc.
About Us
THORASYS Thoracic Medical Systems Inc. is a young respiratory medical device company based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We apply cutting edge research and technology to the development of products for the diagnosis and monitoring of lung diseases such as Asthma and COPD using the Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT).
Our tremoflo™ C-100 Airwave Oscillometry System (AOS) ™ is a compact, portable medical device that permits effortless assessment of lung function in a wide range of patients, including young children and elderly patients.
Our values
What we do
We focus on developing novel technologies for measuring lung function without patient effort. Current techniques require substantial effort and coordination, which is difficult or even impossible for many patients.
What we want to achieve
We believe that obtaining better measurements of lung function in more patients (i) improves patient care, (ii) prevents exacerbations, and (iii) reduces healthcare expenditures. We think that’s important.
What makes us unique
We like what we produce, but what ultimately makes us unique is our stellar team and our shared passion for finding better solutions for healthcare professionals and their patients. We want to make a difference!