
About Us

About Urosciences

• Dutch company specialised in urology

• Focuses on solutions for the medical profession in urology

• Intensive collaboration with the University of Wageningen and the
medical profession to bring about improvements and innovations
• Developer and manufacturer of Flow-Clean Uroflow toilet

Our goal
• Development of innovative medical solutions that contribute to
better outcomes, more comfort and lower total costs of ownership

We serve, through our professional European distributor network,
outpatient urology and paediatric outpatient clinics and clinics
specialising in urology

The Flow-Clean is a new innovative Uroflow measurement system.

The initial investment for the Flow-Clean is much higher compared to the “old fashion” Uroflow meters.

However, the savings (efficiency , cleaning , maintenance etc.) are considerable for which reason the return on investment will be within a couple of years.

Also very important is the far lower risk of contamination (no longer having to walk around and manually empty urine beakers and cleaning the floor and flowmeter).

But most important , doctors recognized that the quality of the Uroflow measurement was much more reliable due to the fact that for the patient this feels like urinating on a regular toilet like at home.

With the standard flowmeter the very often used saying (including ICS advise) was “one flow is no flow”

After the initial introduction in the Benelux countries, the significant cost savings ,improved quality of measurements and better service for the patient, were quickly recognized ,resulting in the installation of the Flow-Clean in almost 50% of all hospitals in the Benelux in a period of a couple of years.

The Flow-Clean can be connected to a client PC on the ward or with HL7 connection to the central server of the hospital with possibility to connect to the patient data base and any other PC’s of your choice (real time pictures).

Our values

Compared to a tradition flowmeter with a beaker on scale, the Flow-Clean Uroflowtoilet offers:

• Hygienic way of uroflow measurement

• Less chance of measurement errors and a better quality of measurement

• Patients don't have to stop their faeces - Flow-Clean looks like an ordinary toilet

• Toilet paper can be used

• More efficient way of working for employees (less cleaning significant cost saving)

• No further spread of bacteria in the hospital

• Much lower overall costs during lifetime

UroSciences B.V.

Steenoven 4-B


The Netherlands


Email: aufenacker@urotex.nl

Tel: +31(0)317613842