UV Smart
About Us
UV Smart was founded in 2017 by Daan Hoek and Thijs Kea. The idea of disinfecting medical equipment started when one of the founders noticed that people were cleaning their phones with alcohol wipes on an airplane. He envisioned that this could be done faster, safer, and more effectively. However, there seemed to be a greater need for innovative disinfection methods in the medical world, especially for the disinfection of medical instruments and devices. The rise of resistant organisms, a higher rotation of patients, and the increasing use of these instruments & devices pose an increasing risk to the safety of patients and healthcare professionals.
The D25 is developed for (non-critical and semi-critical) medical instruments and devices. This validated disinfection solution is expected on the market at the beginning of 2020. Clinical validation and development of the D60, for disinfection of endoscopes and ultrasound probes, has been carried out since 2019 to allow a market introduction of 2020.
Our values
UV Smart creates and provides validated, fast, safe, and easy to use UV-C disinfection solutions to minimize the spread of sickening microorganisms via (non-critical and semi-critical) medical instruments and devices within healthcare facilities. In healthcare, the aim is to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms via medical instruments and devices. UV Smart contributes to this goal by developing validated UV-C disinfection methods that can be used to combat hospital infections.