Wheelers' Paramill
Who we are
Ultimate training tool for Strength and Conditioning, Cardio, Athletic Training, Spinal Cord Rehabilitation and Research.
Wheelers' Paramill is a USA company founded by Larry Pestes of Oregon. After injuring his spinal cord in a motorcycle accident, Larry spent years researching ways for wheelchair users to rehabilitate and exercise independently and in a controlled environment. Thus the patented Paramill was born and manual wheelchair users now have a new opportunity to achieve cardio workouts, strength conditioning, SCI rehabilitation and athletic training exercise. The Paramill allows for stationary observation by trainers and therapists with performance and growth tracking capabilities. Accessible to both standard & athletic chairs, the Paramill's single or split roller options allow for customized rehabilitation and training in both forward or reverse motions. Visit www.wheelersparamill.com today and discover why facilities around the world are bringing the Paramill into their locations.
Our values
Wheelers' Paramill is dedicated to provide an equal opportunity for a healthier lifestyle!